Happy Workplace
Twinhead International Corp. believes that “talent is the greatest capital of an enterprise” and the Company has created and maintained a stable and happy workplace environment to help employees to focus on completing work and improving work quality.
The Company pays attention to the harmonious interaction amongst employees, and hopes to become a company that makes employees feel at ease about and one that they acknowledge.

Human Rights Policy

Employee Compensation
Including salaries and bonuses. Salaries are based on employees’ backgrounds, professional knowledge and skills, seniority and experiences, and will not vary due to differences in gender, religion, race, nationality or affiliation. There is equal pay for both men and women, and their salaries are higher than the minimum salary stipulated in the Labor Standards Act by referring to domestic and foreign salary surveys to determine their salaries.
Employee performance evaluations are carried out every year and annual performance bonuses are issued based on individual performance.

- Holiday coupons
- Year-end bonuses
- Incentives and bonus system measures: product business performance reward regulations, product development project bonus management regulations, employee performance reward regulations, employee patent creation and invention proposal reward regulations, creative proposal reward regulations
- Education and training
- Discount regulations for employees purchasing company products
- Welfare committee benefit funds and subsidies: birthday, marriage, childbirth, death, serious injury, catastrophe, major accident
- Annual leaves, birthday leaves
- Company trips, dinners and quarterly events
- Annual health checks

Retirement System
The company regularly provides monthly pensions to employees to take care of their lives after retirement. According to the Labor Standards Act, 6% of the laborer’s total wages are set aside as retirement reserves every month to facilitate employees’ retirement plans.

Employee Training
In order to train employees and improve their competence in various professional fields, the company established the “education and training procedures.” When new employees start work at the company, they will undergo pre-employment introductory education and training, and receive professional competence training according to the needs of various departments and employees’ professional skills. The human resources department will also arrange management training and language training for supervisors according to the company’s operating policies and annual budget, and provide external training information from time to time. The aim is to cultivate outstanding professionals, thereby improving the company’s operating performances and fully developing and utilizing human resources.

Labor Negotiation
Based on our belief of caring about the employees and sharing benefits, the company conducts ample amounts of communication with its employees and holds labor-management meetings from time to time.
The company regularly explains the operating situation to its employees to understand and respond to employee opinions and suggestions and maintain excellent labor-management relationships. In the future, we will continue to implement humanized management, establish multiple communication channels and build cohesiveness, and maintain the existing harmonious labor relationships. In the future, we hope that the relationship between our employees and the company can be further improved.